วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Side Effects of Fish Oil - More Good News

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 11:10

There are positive and negative side effects of fish oil. The positive results are due to the omega-3 content and by far the negatives for most people. So, let's look at some of the positive first.

The positive benefits that people immediately notice an improved energy efficiency, improved ability to concentrate and become a better mood. Losing people who have difficulty controlling their appetite and weight have had in the past say that they feel moresatisfied. All of this is due to the influence on the brain.

A large proportion of cells in the brain and the gray matter is fat. About 40% or so of the mass or weight of the brain is a special omega-3 fat called docosahexaenoic acid or DHA. Perhaps there are many good sources of DHA at a time, but changes in the food supply have reduced our selection of fish and marine algae. Since we do not eat seaweed, we really only one choice.

Maybe it's not like you or you are seafoodinterested in an optimal daily intake of DHA one, you can check on the label. For whatever reason, you are concerned about the side effects of fish oil. Since it does not consider are many negatives, let's get a few more positives, first.

Giving to nourish DHA, the brain is equivalent. Giving it to the circulatory system is like cleaning your car's engine.

Most fats clog the arteries. Omega-3 fatty thins the blood, improvesCirculation, reduces total triglycerides in the blood and improves the "good" HDL cholesterol levels. It lowers blood pressure, prevent blood clots reduces the risk of atherosclerosis (the most common form of age-related disease), the benefits of varicose veins and helps reduce the risk of diabetic neuropathy, a complication that causes numbness in the extremities and can contribute to result in amputation.

Actually, you could write a book about the positive results, but it only takes one or two lines onmost, to cover the negative side effects of fish oils. The most common one can be in two words, if you disconnect one of them, fishy-tasting burps.

It may surprise you to learn that the burps are completely preventable. They are actually oils that are heavily oxidized, indicating that causes spoilage.

The better manufacturers have the level of oxidation of each batch of the tested oils before they are encapsulated. As soon as natural vitamin Eadded, and the oils are encapsulated, there is no further oxidation. It's all about what happens on the boat and the dock during the manufacturing process. If the level of oxidation is low enough, the manufacturer can guarantee that it will not be lazy tasting burps.

Some doctors were concerned that the side effects of fish oil could include heavy bleeding, but the research has calmed those fears. At doses up to 3000mg per day does not exist. Indeedif you know in medical treatment, which always made him what you plan to take supplements.

Occasionally we hear about things like diarrhea and stomach discomfort. In scientific studies, experience the things with placebo, with the same rate.

It seems that most of the negative side effects are caused by something else. I hope that makes you calm. Now go find before and after one that works best for you.

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