วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Is There Such A Thing Called Vitamin Supplement Side Effects & Its Impact

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 23:20 0 ความคิดเห็น

In the 21 Century, more and more people are employed because of their hectic professional life, is the food that they do not eat really healthy, so more and more people are turning to multi-vitamin supplements as an alternative role in their diet to act.

I know someone who has come a handful of vitamin C tablets at the first sign of a cold. I would probably tell her that they are wasting their money, because vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, which means that our bodies are not usedeliminated by the kidneys.

You can not camp on it! For this reason, taking a toxic amount of vitamin C is unusual, but it can happen if a too large dose all at once. Kidney stones can happen then.

Such cases are too many and it is a fact that vitamin supplement can cause side effects, very seriously. Some of the vitamins in the diet and in the supplements, we are fat soluble.

What are the basic toxins found?

This means thatwhat we do not need at any given time, is stored in our body. Vitamin A is one such vitamin. In reality, Arctic explorers once went blind and then died from vitamin A toxicity. It seems that polar bear liver contains toxic levels of vitamin A, and indeed this is a major vitamin for our eyes also enormously from blindness and even death can.

To be honest, I do not know of anyone suffering slightly vitamin supplement side effects from eating polar bear liver. It isIs important to note, however, that too much of a good is not necessarily a good thing.

It is important also about the foods we eat, and if we do not consider vitamin supplements, even through this was, to monitor how much of what we consume vitamins. How vitamin supplement side effects can be very dangerous, so can a vitamin deficiency. Moderate consumption is the right way to go.

What are the side - effects and their implications?

Vitamin CDeficiency can cause scurvy, and vitamin A deficiency can cause problems with night vision devices, a remarkable susceptibility to infections, skin problems and urinary tract. While a balanced diet, the right amount of all vitamins and nutrients that we need if this is not possible or in some cases, when the body does not absorb delivers the vitamins, we must, as we are adding tremendous need and act accordingly aware be. Among a handful of dietary supplements is not goodConcept.

How is it and how dangerous can it be?

Vitamin supplement side effects may also occur when having a nominal amount when taking certain medications. Less than ten percent of the 40 million Americans who regularly purchase vitamin consultation with their doctor.

Vitamin C, unlike vitamin A, is almost impossible to cause toxic effects through the food in its natural form. But under the artificial vitamin K supplementation can lead toToxicity.
Niacin, one of the B vitamins, can be very dangerous when taken in mega doses. It can affect kidney damage, heart rhythm, cause dangerously low blood pressure, increase blood sugar levels and cause diarrhea.

Vitamin supplement side effects are not taken lightly. Consult your doctor if you suspect you are always too little or are asking too much of the necessary vitamins your body.

In addition to know what is differentSide effects of vitamin supplements, and only limited information should be sufficient for you to choose your supplements more carefully and to consume moderately. Before you go to be able to consume some type of vitamin health food, you must first consult with your doctor.

But many people often tend to forget the crowd and started to pills, pop, without realizing the harmful effects of excessive consumption of supplements, although different types of planeSupplements can treat chronic diseases.

Therefore, without discussing the proper understanding of the various types of food supplements to various anxiety and anger-management system, it will not be much panic attack free lifestyle desire for.

Apply this effective tip along with a thorough understanding of vitamin supplements is important so that you enjoy your life again.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Side Effects Can Be Avoided - Is it True?

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 21:55 0 ความคิดเห็น

We are all aware of the benefits of omega 3 fats, but as a rational consumers, we should also know the side effects of omega-3 fatty acids, if any, and how we can get rid of them. In this article we will discuss the same.

Most frequently heard that omega-3 fatty acids have adverse effects on taste fishy, belches, cause gastrointestinal problems, nausea and diarrhea. But the real question is - are these negative effects, because we are with omega-3-or is it thelow quality of the omega-3 source that is common to all these symptoms.

With the increase in throat competition in today's world there are many manufacturers who make the race to take money to abbreviations and compromises in the quality of the final product. Low quality fish means fish full of toxins such as mercury, PCBs, lead, etc are used to derive fish oil. I agree that our oceans are polluted and the opportunity to fish without anyContamination is very low. But can the few manufacturers of fish oil is the best refining follow in order to remove the maximum possible toxins. You will be surprised to know that not many companies make the effort, the liver of fish prior to pressing to remove. You yourself can imagine the quality of the product, such as the liver is responsible for cleaning the blood and is not removed, it is certainly on the increase of pollutants in the fish oil earnings. This is precisely the reason forOmega-3 fatty acids effects.

Fish oil has tasted fishy or rancid smell of fish, if not properly before the oil has been extracted will be treated by them. If the refining plant is far removed from the fishery, because the transport time, or improper handling of fish, perhaps a result they begin decomposing foul odor. These oxidized oil is consumed when results in fishy tasting burps.

Effective supplement are clean, have zero levels of toxins,and has no artificial fragrance, but they smell like salt water. To achieve this, all this - they have gone molecular distillation process - have to leave harmful chemicals in addition to the rich and remove pure oil.

In the shell, one can say that there is no omega-3 fatty acids, side effects, characters that we discussed earlier because of the poor quality of the oil and can be avoided if we are to use high quality supplements. To learn more about proven and effectivePersonally, I am daily fish oil supplement, please visit my website today.

วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

What Are the Right Omega 3 Dosages?

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 13:35 0 ความคิดเห็น

Omega-3 fatty acids are due to its contribution to improving public health and prevention of many diseases popular. Fish oil is a major source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA. Omega 3 doses are recommended by health professionals around the world, avoiding side effects and complicated health conditions.

Fatty or oily fish in the production of omega-3 fish oil supplements are used, or salmon,Halibut, tuna, hoki, herring, sardines and mackerel. However, not all fish oils contain equal amounts of fatty acids. For these Hoki fish has to be the most effective, as the oil is extracted from the tissues of almost free from all impurities and is excellent for long-term health.

Omega-3 dosage depends on the concentration of DHA and EPA supplement in your product. Typically, a single fish-oil capsules provides up to 120 mg DHA and 180 mg of EPA. These amounts are sufficient to meet the daily needs of these fats. In any case, you should take your Omega-3-daily dose of 300 to 400 mg.

The dosage also depends on how refined and cleaned the fish oil. Raw fish oil is cleaned through a process known as molecular distillation. In this process, the oil is heated to extremely high temperatures, which serves to kill all bacteria and impurities in raw fish> Oil. In addition, minimizing the effect of heavy metals like lead and mercury, to a large extent.

Unrefined fish oil may have adverse effects on health, including infections and allergies and therefore you must be very careful in choosing your fish oil product. The recommended by health experts as fish oil pharmaceutical grade fish oil that is pure, free of all contaminants and clinically knowntested.

Omega-3-doses for an average healthy people have 1 or 2 capsules daily. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult your doctor about the dosage of dietary supplements. When they experience a kind of allergies or other conditions, they should now no longer the use of fish oil capsules and other supplements.

Fish oil products in the form of liquid oil can also by people of all age groups are used. However, you mustknow how much fat you consume each day even fish oil product from a liquid. These supplements are easily digested and therefore recommended for the elderly.

วันจันทร์ที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Fish Oil Reduces Risk of Heart Attack

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 11:46 0 ความคิดเห็น

Historically and culturally, the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, also known as fish oil, has been thought that the human body to ward off heart disease and heart attack to help.

Today show, more and more studies show that there is a strong correlation between omega-3 fatty acids and significantly lower instances of cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol and heart attacks, among many other health benefits.

These studies have causedAmerican Heart Association to take note and show that test persons heart disease, a diet that is supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids are either in the form of capsules or from a higher consumption of fish high in omega-3 - fatty acids. These studies show promise in the fight against heart disease and heart attacks, and even providing strong evidence that can benefit after the heart attack patients with a higher intake of fish oil to lower their chances ofa second heart attack.

Why fish oils are good for a healthy heart?

Omega-3 fatty acids are mainly composed of three components: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). These three acids are working individually and in cooperation with different associated risks associated with heart disease and reduce heart attacks, too.

DHA is the most important of the three acids and is essential for the health of the heart. Unfortunately, our bodiesare not able to manufacture the amount of DHA that we need in order to stay healthy. This factor alone makes it necessary to get the amount of DHA we need through diet or dietary supplements. Consider for a moment that DHA is found in our brains and is directly linked to its function. Not only could you be helping your heart, but higher brain function can also be an added benefit with the addition of fish or fish oil supplements to your diet.

Fish and fish or fish oil in capsule form the highest amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also important that the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiac arrhythmias, which are the main causes of heart disease and heart attack decrease. The ability to reduce these two factors is an important reason for the increased intake of fishOils.

Reduce inflammation and the production of prostaglandins are also important for a healthy heart. Prostaglandins are a major cause of inflammation in the vascular system. Omega-3 fatty acids you're looking for the same fields to bind the COX 1 enzyme with the search omega-6 fatty acids. There are the omega-6 fatty acids, a much more active form of prostaglandin by COX 1 and COX-2 enzyme converted as omega-3 fatty acids, it is important that the sites for the binding of omega-6Acids are blocked by the omega-3 fatty acids. In general, the omega-3 fatty acids, prostaglandins are converted two to fifty times less active than those produced from omega-6 fatty acids.

Another reason why fish oils are for a healthy heart is good that they help to reduce triglycerides (the chemical form in which fat exists in the body), a leading cause of diseases of the coronary arteries leading to the major cause of heart attacks has be. On admission, the American Heart Associationrecommended 2 to 4 gram dose of DHA and EPA can reduce triglycerides by up to 50%.

Another advantage of taking omega-3 fatty acids is that EPA and DHA prevent blood clots and lowering blood pressure. High blood pressure and blood clots are not a good combination. These two factors alone can create an environment in your body, which is conducive to a stroke or heart failure.

Other benefits that contribute to the chance of a heart attack or heart disease, the possibility thatOmega-3 fatty acids to increase HDL) (good cholesterol and that they are consistent arteries and blood vessels from closing again after helping bypass surgery or angioplasty procedures.

Finally, when considering whether or not you should have your diet with fish oil capsules or by eating more fish supplement, you should look at the benefits that can be derived from it, then make an appointment and talk to your doctor about the amount of omega - 3 fatty acids, you shouldtake.

Evidence Supports Among omega-3 supplements for Vascular Health

Showed in a study in August 2009 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology published data that the intake of omega-3 supplements help to prevent and reduce problems of cardiovascular disease in both healthy persons and persons who existing heart disease or have suffered from cardiac events. Some studies have also shown that omega-3 fatty acids lower LDL cholesterol, which is aMain cause of plaque buildup in the arteries.

The studies were performed with groups whose numbers are done in the thousands and over time between twenty to thirty years. The biggest surprise was that evidence, the result showed a sharp decline in cardiovascular mortality after a cardiovascular event like heart attack or stroke problems.

Previous studies have always pointed to positive connections between the reduction of heart disease and heart attack and omega-3 fatty acids. In theseStudies, patients who consumed some form of omega-3 fatty acids at least twice a week was much lower instances of plaque or clots in the arteries than those who do not. This is due to the coagulation and inhibition of plaque agents found in omega-3 fatty acids.

In population-based studies, showed evidence against omega-3-acid uptake by fish as a primary aid in the prevention of strokes caused by the build up of plaque in the arteries. The food two or more servingsOf fish per week reduces the risk of stroke by nearly 50%.

Randomized clinical trials, which have secured from the American Heart Association showed that omega-3 supplements also may reduce cardiovascular events, the focus is death to a heart attack, stroke and heart failure in context.

One of these studies included, the Lyon Diet Heart Study, examined the effects of a Mediterranean diet that fish consumed in moderate quantities. The study was conducted on 302 attemptsSubjects and 303 control group subjects, who all have a first heart attack, survived all of whom shared similar coronary risk factors. After a year of positive impact on 93% of the subjects were so overwhelmingly positive that the study was completed. The most remarkable result after a four-year check up was a 50 percent to 70 percent lower risk of recurrent heart disease. This study, alone, showed the benefits of increasing dietary omega-3 fatty acids andprotective effect of these acids on the vascular system.

Studies have also shown that cultures that are much in fish oil, particularly Inuit, Chinese and cultures of the Mediterranean, also have lower instances of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. However, as the growing popularity of fast food and foods high in saturated fatty acids in these different cultures, the incidence of heart disease, heart attack and stroke due to plaque formation and hypertensionPressure have sharply upward.

These studies show overwhelmingly that there is a correlation between the intake of omega-3 fatty acids and heart health is not only good but also healthy recovery and avoidance of repeated instances of heart disease, vascular disease, myocardial infarction, plaque buildup and heart failure . Ignoring the evidence presented in these studies would be the worst possible scenario. Omega-3 fatty acids are not in a significant quantity produced by the body so that itis an integral part of that we receive them from other sources such as fish, fish oil and fish oil supplements. Otherwise, we can expect more and more problems with vascular disease and heart disease.


The hard facts of all the important studies on omega-3 fatty acids as a protective factor for heart disease, stroke, plaque buildup, heart attack and vascular disease. Studies have also shown that fish oilSupplements can also more than a few helpful cholesterol-lowering medication if suffering patients using chronic heart failure. Patients with an enlarged heart, which can not efficiently pump blood to any fish oil supplements, which in high in omega-3 fatty acids to use to the risks which can reduce suffering with high cholesterol.

The exciting news from a recent study, which involved four different studies involving almost 40,000 participants showed that the hearthealthy aspects of fish oil are not limited only to patients with heart problems. The study found that those services are actually in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Further evidence showed positive benefits for patients who need treatment after myocardial infarction and in patients with heart failure.

As the evidence mounts, and it is increasingly clear that omega-3 fatty acids are a primary source for heart health and prevention ofvarious cardiovascular diseases, the push will be for people about what practices they can use in order to be raised to increase the intake of fish oils and fish oil supplements. Most cardiologists and scientists involved in these studies agree that the majority of the population simply can not afford the necessary changes in their eating habits, get the recommended amounts of omega-3 fatty acids their bodies need to achieve.

For most people, the recommendation on the basis of the variousStudies that were carried out, from 500 milligrams per day. However, for those cardiac patients that amount should be increased from 800 to 1000 milligrams per day. Another factor in the amount should be paid to a family business with history. If your relatives, especially immediate relatives such as parents, grandparents or great-grandparents, parents have to suffer from heart disease or arterial disease should be included in the 800 to 1000 mg category. Even if you have not sufferedof heart disease or heart attack, you should take this amount as a preventive.

Exactly how to accomplish that omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs to heart disease and heart attacks can be prevented entirely with you, and what your lifestyle. The easiest way to get the appropriate levels, is through some form of dietary supplements. There are many supplements on the market today that are suitable for this purpose. The most important thing is to be notedis the purity of the fish oil. Not all fish oils are in the same amount of pure Omega-3 fatty acids, they have in them. There is considerable evidence which suggest higher than normal mercury and lead levels in some fish. Obviously, these toxins are not suitable for consumption. In order to remove mercury and other toxins, fish oil must go through the process of molecular distillation. This process cleans the fish oil andmakes it ready for consumption.

At this time, there are three main types of fish oil supplements on the market: pharmaceutical grade fish oil, health food grade fish oil and cod liver oil eventually. Pharmaceutical quality fish oil is processed by molecular distillation. This process eliminates toxins such as lead, mercury and PCBs. As a result of fish oil, the purest form of omega-3 fatty acids available. Pharmaceutical grade fish oil, because it is the purest form available, is used about 1,000 times more pure than health food grade fish oil because of the technologically advanced processes to distill it. This ensures that even the smallest particle-level toxins have been removed and only the purest form of Omega-3 fatty acids. One thing to keep in mind is that because of the associated processes and the purity of the fish> Oil is produced, this type of fish oil, the most expensive.

Health food grade fish oil is molecularly distilled to eliminate toxins and contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids our body needs for the future health of the heart and cardiac prevention. One capsule can hold up to 300 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and is usually perfect for any need to supplement their intake of fish oils. These fish oils,but not on the same technologically advanced and rigorous processes going to go through the pharmaceutical grade fish oils. One advantage to the health food grade fish oils is that most of the labels on the bottles, what kind of fish are harvested from the oil state. These fish oils, because they are much less pollutants and toxins, the standard cod liver oil are perfect for use on a daily basis, or as an additionalincrease to a diet that includes fish high in omega-3 fatty acids. These additions are of course cheaper than pharmaceutical grade fish oil and sink into the rule in the mid-range costs.

Cod liver oils are the lowest grade oils that contain omega-3 fatty acids. Cod Liver Oil is cheap in general, but when in excessive amounts of toxins, which can in this oil is absorbed into the body. Cod liver oil is not as refined asPharmaceutical or health food grade fish oil supplements which means that pollutants and toxins such as lead, mercury, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and DDT is even included) (dichloro-diphenyl-trichlorethylene. Most experts do not recommend the use of cod liver oil for Omega-3 fatty acid uptake or supplement, especially in high doses.

Some considerations when taking fish oil supplements are the side effects. While mostThe side effects are not dangerous, they can be considered inconvenient. The most common side effect of concern is the possibility of mercury pollution. However, if you supplement, the molecularly distilled, you do not take to take care of them. Health food and pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplements contain more than traces of mercury and in most cases none at all. As already mentioned, a source that contains mercury, is cod liver oil. The most common side effect reported by this addition, fish oil supplements to their diet was belching and fishy aftertaste or smell. Overall, however, the added benefits of taking fish oil, that the side effects safely and easily compared to live with it.

Either freezing the capsules or taking the capsules with a meal decreased slightly, the two common side > Effects associated with these additions. Read the labels on the bottle, though. Some manufacturers recommend against freezing of these products.

For most people who want to increase their intake of omega-3 fatty acids, fish to eat is one of the easiest ways to achieve this. In general, consumption of fish twice a week you can to the level of fish oil you need. Please note, however, that some fish do not contain enough fishHis' oil advantage. Catfish, for example, is a fish that had little or no omega-3 fatty acid has. Sablefish on the other side is one of the safest fish to eat once a week and 100 grams of these fish contains about 1490 mg of omega-3 fatty acids. That is more than enough to help in the prevention of heart problems such as heart disease and heart attack.

Historically and scientifically fish oils have been shown to reduce the chance ofTo prevent heart attacks and heart failure, and such diseases after a cardiac event. With all available information on the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and their preventive effect on heart disease, heart attack, stroke and vascular diseases, it is easy to see that increasing the intake of these oils should be helpful is a priority for almost everyone.


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