Ginkgo, also known as Ginkgo biloba, is an Asian tree that has no modern relatives. As such, and because ginkgo-like plants are well represented in the fossil record, it is often called a living fossil. Also known as the maidenhair tree for the similarity of their leaves "to maidenhair fern, it has been under cultivation in the history of mankind.
The ginkgo leaf is used in order to be promoted, as well as herbal extracts, which was shown as a positive impact on health. It hashas been a staple of Chinese medicine for hundreds of years.
Ginkgo biloba has long been proposed to expand the memory, energy and concentration. It is also used to treat tinnitus, and vascular disease. Ginkgo is felt neuroprotective and antioxidant agent. More than 5 million prescriptions are produced in Germany each year on ginkgo and distribution are written in the U.S. $ 240 million per year.
Studies have shown a benefit in dementia patients, although the impact on the cognitiveTests were not greater than the modest effects of anticholinesterase inhibitors, are associated not with the subjective impression of improvement of families and doctors (1).
A recent large controlled study found no effect of ginkgo on memory function with a large number of tests in normal individuals (2).
Manufacturers, however, promote the improvement of ginkgo for memory in normal individuals or prevent the normal decline of memory with aging, and itis really no evidence that they are useful for this purpose. Ginkgo can cause serious side effects, including coma, have, bleeding and seizures. It should not with medication such as warfarin, which are used to reduce blood clotting. Smaller but more frequent side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache and dizziness.