วันเสาร์ที่ 10 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fish Oil Vs Flax Seed Oil

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 03:15 0 ความคิดเห็น

Omega-3 has a very positive impact on the human body: it protects the heart, brain, skin and immune system. The main problem is that the human body can not naturally produce the necessary omega-3 fatty acids, and you have to purchase them from various sources, mainly from food.

Fish oil and flaxseed oil are the richest natural sources of omega-3. There is ongoing debate as to which of these oils is recommended if you are looking for sources of fatty acids.The answer is not as easy as it may seem, and you need to know more information about these oils.

The first difference between fish oil and flax seed oil is the type of omega-3-each of them contains: Fish oil contains DHA and EPA fatty acids, while flax seed oil contains ALA. The human body can not be used ALA and it needs to convert it to DHA and EPA. Older people can not convert ALA into EPA and DHA very easy and you must be aware You when you search for Omega-3 sources.

Flax seed contains up to 6 times more omega-3 fatty acids than fish oil, but because of this drawback, many experts recommend a good quality fish oil over flax seed oil, how are you directly to the DHA and EPA fatty acids you need.

However, there are some disadvantages of consuming large quantities of fish or fish oil. Today, most of the fish for the purchase of the fish have used > Oil lives in polluted waters and it is relatively difficult to remove the toxins from the fish. Experts recommend the consumption of limited quantities of fish for this reason. There are some measures that should be aware of when buying fish oil. First, make sure you buy fish oil, which are made from fish living in waters were clear.

It is a method to eliminate the toxins and poisons from>fish. It is called molecular distillation. Be sure you buy only fish oil obtained through this method.

Remember, not all fish contain equal amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. Some of them are richer in DHA and EPA than others. Cold water fish (wild salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines) have the highest fatty acids concentration.

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What Are the Side Effects of EPA - DHA Omega 3 Fish Oil Supplements?

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 01:30 0 ความคิดเห็น

You asked what are the side effects of the EPA - DHA Omega-3 fish oil supplements? There are side effects of intake of these fatty acids, but these only a very small. One of the effects I would like to caution about is the fact that fish oil is a natural blood thinner.

This does not usually matter if you are taking aspirin or other prescription-type drugs taking to thin the blood. If you are, then I recommend youconsult your doctor before you completed a course of omega-3. Even then, I would not recommend more than 2,000 mg per day of oil.

Other minor effects are bloating, belching, flatulence and nausea. You can also supplemented by diarrhea among a high dose of omega-3. The means to resolve this is to reduce the amount of fish oil you are taking on. The diarrhea will be gone. I've found that most cases were caused by regurgitation, areby the ingestion of fish oil, which is not quite fresh.

I always recommend that you only buy an oil that has been purified by a process called molecular distillation, the impurities such as lead, mercury and PCBs, etc. The remaining oil is to buy the cleanest it removed.

A large proportion of people in the Western world are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. Instead of worrying about the lack of side effects of the EPA - DHA Omega-3 --Additions, you'd be better off, some thought to how you create this situation.

Most of you are aware of the pollution in our oceans and the fish. However, there is a simple solution, just take a purified omega-3 fish oil supplement per day. This soft-gel capsules are easy to swallow, and they help to protect our heart and our brains.

วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acai Force Max Side Effects

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 20:35 0 ความคิดเห็น

Unlike other health supplements available in the market, Acai Force Max helps in flushing out harmful toxins from our body without causing a single side effect. This supplement is made only for men.

The accumulated toxins lead to problems like weight gain, fatigue and other complications like gas, bloating and constipation. It also reduces the functionality of different organs of human body and decreases its metabolic rate. This supplement has been specially formulated and designed to cure all the health problems discussed above.

Acai Max Force free of side effects as it is made of extremely pure natural extracts. This product is for people of all ages and suitable for all physical conditions. Middle-aged men can also go for Acai Max Force and they will get excellent results in a short time. You will not win big muscles, but the body is slender and attenuated. They are much younger. Also increase energysignificantly, with regular use of this product.

Acai Max Force never cause a side effect, so can people with heart problems, also try this product. It is not only safe for your heart, but also improves your cardiovascular heath. It reduces the cholesterol level and makes the heart healthy.

You can buy this side effect free product from the official website since it is not under the free market. You can also use a test package for free from the website by payinga small amount, as the shipping costs. Try it today and experience the true benefits.

วันอังคารที่ 6 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Things You Should Know About AcaiBurn Side-Effects

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 19:00 0 ความคิดเห็น

News of AcaiBurn amazing weight loss benefits has spread far and wide, meaning more and more people are interested in purchasing. Of course, as with all other supplements, there are concerns about whether the products have side - effects. The truth is that side - effects, but the difference is that the side - effects of AcaiBurn are not negative .

These are the three most important things you should observe when thinking aboutthe page - the impact of AcaiBurn, hopefully you can decide whether it is the right supplement for you:

1. It is you feel very active. Under AcaiBurn increases energy levels, you will have enough energy to have more exercise and go about your tasks without getting tired easily. This is because the protein in the product promotes muscle growth, so your body is better able to cope with physical exertion. This in turn helps you burn moreCalories.

2. It suppresses appetite. Referred Unlike many other products containing artificial additives Acai Berry AcaiBurn have two natural appetite suppressant Garcinia cambogia and Gymnema sylvestre. This ceases to ask for fat or sugary foods, and the urge to snack between meals, so you be able to follow a regular healthy diet.

3. It contributes to the rapid weight loss. Remember, if you are worried about losing weight too quickly, as you lose inches fromYour waist in less than three days after you start taking the product. If you pick up rather slowly, then this product is perhaps not the right one for you.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fish Oil Capsules - Some Fish Oil is Bad For You - How Do You Tell?

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 18:50 0 ความคิดเห็น

Fish oil capsules have proved increasingly popular among health enthusiasts. Significant clinical studies validate the premise that the consumption of fish - oil capsules with the appropriate omega-3 fatty acids (EFA) such as EPA and DHA, the progression of heart disease.

Now I know fish oil is for our good health of the vascular system (not) to mention its other health benefits altogether, but there is also a downside. Toreceive long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, we must get it from fish.
The problem is, most of them from the oceans of the world, even in the Arctic Ocean, supposedly the original contaminated by pollution from industry. The result? Significant amounts of toxic substances such as mercury, dioxin, and a high level of impurities in the form of PCBs were found in many species of fish.

(This is why the U.S. FDA for a capping of the consumption of fish and recommends to the right.) The issueThis information page will tell you that you are pharmaceutical grade, omega fish oil capsules for mercury testing - so that all of us the health benefits of fish without the harmful toxins such as mercury in our systems.

Fish Oil Capsules Tested for Mercury

There are three things to know before buying an omega fish oil capsules. They are:

Buy only molecularly distilled fishOil capsules
Ideally, to ensure the fish oil comes from fish in clear waters.
Buy only pharmaceutical fish oil supplements actually made to pharmaceutical GMP-compliant facilities. These are exactly the same standards of prescription drugs had to keep decision-makers. Pharmaceutical grade fish oil is safe.

Let's take this one for a short time. What is molecular distillation? Basically it is a machine that uses Centrifugal force to separate unwanted substances from the fish oil. It is an air purifier, if you will, toxins such as mercury or dioxin from the beneficial fish oil, which is then encapsulated and sold as fish oil capsules.

Key Point:

Never buy fish oil capsules that are not molecularly distilled! They are known to literally put toxins in your system if you do not consume molecularly distilled fish> Oil pills. While molecular distillation is undoubtedly important, it is the origin of the fish. Most experts recommend never to buy fish oil supplements from North Atlantic fish because of the high toxicity of the fish.

The more pristine waters of the ocean, the better. It is important to know that fish oil capsules and tested for mercury is important, but it is not the only factor when choosing a fish oil omega -Allowances.
Not all fish oil supplements are created equal. There is a difference between strong and not pharmaceutical grade fish oil pharmaceutical fish oil. Most of the omega fish oil supplement sales are coming from sardines, anchovies and mackerel off the coast of North and South America.

The fish are then in fishmeal, which is where the fish oil is extracted shot. The oilIs then delivered to the refineries for the complete machining. Between the time it is to be appointed if he handles his goal is to fine fish oil in a rapid state of decay.

Ideally, the time between production and processing should be minimal, but often it is not. It would be best for the production of fish oil supplements to the neighborhood where the fish, but that does not happen.
Bottom line? The fish oil booty. Key Point:Make sure you buy fish oil capsules from a new source is made.

Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil

Pharmaceutical GMP-compliant facilities to ensure that you always have the best fish oil available. These are exactly the same standard prescription drug makers have had to hold on behalf of the FDA. Otherwise, you are more toxic in taking fish oil.
Toxicity in dietary supplements is on the agenda. They deserve thebest to do so, not less than pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplements.

Omega fish oil capsules

I have discussed the importance of molecular distillation and received only pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplements. These two criteria provide significant security risk in relation to the purity of the fish oil supplements, but there is another level of protection: The source of the fish. Listen to aCorporate approach to this problem.

"Early in 2003, [we] recognized these drawbacks and after a year of development time, perfected a pure fish oil product that addressed these problems, the result ... a pure molecularly distilled fish oil ester with no impurities with an unusually high level of DHA! This was made possible by using a cold deep water New Zealand fish called Hoki. This fish has naturally high levels of DHA is the moreincreased during the cleaning process. It is caught in the pristine Southern Ocean and, of course, be free of contaminants. "

There you have it. If you add a low-cost, pharmaceutical grade fish oil to
then look for companies that are GMP-compliant pharmaceutical grade fish oil. It is scientifically formulated, the fish oil esters, omega 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA and vitamin E.

I addedOmega fish oil capsules to supplement my personal system, and you should too. It is very cheap and I notice the difference.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Effects of Fish Oil - Discover How Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Improve Your Health Today

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 16:00 0 ความคิดเห็น

The effect of fish oil have been proven time and time again to be true of scientists and researchers from around the world.

Some of the effects of fish oil that you may have expected a higher energy efficiency, storage, quality of sleep and better mood and happiness.

The problem today is that many of omega-3 supplements are low quality and do not produce the effects of fish oik that everyone's lips. The goodNews is that to avoid these products and companies very easily, if you know what to look.

For example, you should always ensure that the products you buy have been molecularly distilled to ensure pharmaceutical-grade quality and purity. I would also like to clinical trials and scientific studies on the products who are looking to buy more than I do myself too.

Many companies claim to high quality products, but if you are found on the search for evidence, there is none. For this reason,You must be serious and diligent in comparing different products, if you want to really experience the true impact of fish oil.

I have examined, omega-3 supplements for several years. I also have them for a very long time. The health benefits, which I have seen were very positive and more than I could have ever imagined.

Researchers have recently found that over 90% of men in EPA and DHA, which are two of the are defectiveimportant fatty acids that the human body needs. Our body can not produce these fats for its own sake, which is why we have received from high-quality external sources.


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