วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Why Not Buy Fish Oil and Prove That Fats Are Not All Bad

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 22:50

More and more of us to buy fish oil supplement to our diet, because the overwhelming evidence that the fat contains essential nutrients for our health.

Twenty years ago, fats were generally in very poor light look at, and we were held to consume them. They were seen as a vehicle for the storage of energy in our body and not as a dietary supplement substantially in the manner, amino acids and vitamins have been tested.

However, further investigation has shownthat the family of fats contain fatty acids - as the name suggests, weak acids, fats, as we know it to [agents we cook to join in], when combined with one molecule of glycerol. These fats are also known as triglycerides, because they have all the same glycerol backbone, but different fatty acids have been connected with them.

These acids are 16 to 22 carbon atoms in length, and some have just saturated chains, the solid fats like butter or lard to produce. Other fatty acids have kinky,unsaturated chains, and produce liquids, such as rapeseed or soybean oil.

It is the second group, which has proved so important for our health. The parent of these acids is alpha-linolenic acid [ALA] has a very kinky for which it will be moved to fabrics - ALA is found in all green material and is the most widely used grease on the ground. Animals are more mobile than plants and need a kinky fatty acid, which they accomplished by double bonds - that docosahexaenoic acid [DHA]is the longest and desaturated in animal fat tissue. It is in the highest concentration in the cells of the brain and eyes, where his ability to help shape changes very rapidly to find these cells in order to quickly send messages.

DHA is a truly remarkable chemical and its impact on may well not be underestimated for every cell in our body. We can ensure we have enough DHA through adaptation of our diet but also by taking fish oil supplements.

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