วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Are There Any Side Effects With Zeaxanthin?

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 18:50

If nature has taken it upon himself to lead the carotenoid lutein and zeaxanthin, which is found abundantly in the retina of the eye and in most vegetables we eat - there are no side effects with zeaxanthin?

The short answer is simply not. There is no information that suggest, zeaxanthin has no side effects. Zeaxanthin is produced naturally in our bodies. Simply having more of it has not shown it to produce atSide effects.

Let's continue to discuss role of zeaxanthin in the body, especially our eyes.

Zeaxanthin an antioxidant, which is combined with lutein to protect your eyes and surrounding tissue from the very damaging effects of free radicals.

Free radicals are created in the system, and of course the result of a chemical reaction are in the body. These reactions can be as natural as digestion of food. Most of the free radicals in the systemproduced by pollutants in the air we breathe, the water we drink, junk food, medication and UV rays of light.

Ultraviolet rays of light are the main cause for the formation of free radicals in the tissues of the eye. The only way to fight free radicals and reduce their harmful influence, is to supply the tissue with an abundance of free electrons. The offer of free electrons can only be of antioxidants.

Nature has selected lutein and zeaxanthin, in particular antioxidantsto protect the eyes from free radicals.

Due to the flooding of chemical fertilizers and agricultural scientists (with GM green vegetables can be grown over the years, regardless of the season the vegetables), we are often the minimal dose of natural lutein and zeaxanthin in disadvantaged of our daily diet.

Moreover, the fact that many people do resort to processed foods, including meat a large part of their daily diet, whichNext was depriving them of their daily intake of lutein and zeaxanthin.

For this reason, scientists have come up with a commercial way to produce synthetic zeaxanthin in order to be taken as a supplement to ward off possible eye disease, and even repair damaged eye tissue.

Also, because of the synthetic nature of the oxidant, people feel there are side effects of zeaxanthin. However, these possible side effects can easily be averted by therecommended dose of 20 mg per day. Nothing in excess, which is itself the best things in life that bad. So stick with the recommended guidelines.

But the previous statement should not be misunderstood - there are no known side effects to zeaxanthin. At the same time, about taking excessive amounts of zeaxanthin - more than 40 or 50 mg per day, has no real benefits. So, if you take enough zeaxanthin, but not escape unscathed.

There is an abundantDetails of zeaxanthin. If you do not ask what or how much you should ask your doctor, and you see some books from your local library. The below website is also a great resource, and makes some good recommendations for high quality products with zeaxanthin.

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