วันศุกร์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Salmon - an affordable luxury

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 03:23
 Salmon is one of the most versatile that I buy the fish, and despite its long reputation as a luxury fish, is now surprisingly affordable.

 Farmed salmon and wild varieties, while the wild salmon and has the advantage in terms of taste and structure, the quality of farmed fish is strong over the years and is now a fish, eat very respectable. The comparative lack of wild salmon, the only means of sedisponible for the year, in February agostoustus, is at least as responsible as the quality of higher prices, the playback controls in comparison with their cousins.

 Most of the salmon that can be obtained from the Atlantic Ocean, the coasts of North America and Northern Europe, Scotland, a very popular source for fish. Salmon can also be found in PazifikCo, although these fish tend to find their way into cans, instead of fighting the fish bagnatha your local fish dealer.

 Development sostenibileme the image of wild salmon is an elegant bow of silver fish jumping up waterfalls and dams, and this stems from the fact that born in freshwater, but most of their lives at sea after the migration of young people, while. In order to remain at sea, one to four years before returning to ichsmo river, where they were born to spawn, usually in his last act before the end of the exhaustion of travelor griepssaufwärts.

 Farmed salmon, however, spend suneumático live in estuaries or lakes, swimming in a cage, sometimes at the highest density, which for a fish healthy. The fish has a bad reputation in recent years, and it is true that the salmon farms always shown contempt for the TierschutzSie found in most industrialized countries, farm. In recent years, but public opinion has forced a revision and improvement of the levelhebbens - you can even fish farmed organically in those days.

 When buying salmon Clgunos subject to the normal arrangements for the purchase of fish for the application. Make sure you have a whole fish, so an idea of how cold it is - packaging Anonymous fillet wrapped in a protective environment "in many supermarkets, is a better game.. Fresh fish collected in the swollen eyes, feel the company do not touch and smell "fish", because it indicates that thetheir past, is better.

 Depending on the amount of food you can enjoy a steak from a shoulder secorte fish fillet near the tail, or even a whole fish. Fillets Tail probably the best food, because more or less free from bones except pin bones that can be easily removed during processing. Fillets are a piece of meat, and perhaps more suitable for cooking as a grill or barbecue.

 That cut you buy, you can be sure that will lgold health - as a grassodi fish, salmon is rich in Omega-3, which is useful in preventing problems and AdRAzon should be helpful for the brain and nervous system development and operation.

 Enjoy your salmon!

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