It is an art theft crimes old and complex. If we look at some of the best known cases of flights in history, art, you see thoroughly planned, distributors, graphics, art fakers, criminal gangs, ransoms, and millions of dollars. Here you can access some of the most famous cases of theft in history.
First flight:
The first documented case of art ranging from the 1473 flight was two bars Lorsque Alalquitrán of the youngest of the court painter Hans Memling were stolen. During the three, was the ship of the Netherlands to Florence, the ship was attacked by pirates, in the Cathedral of Gdansk in Poland. Today, the party in the National Museum in Gdansk, where he recently moved to the Basilica of the Assumption.
The most famous of Theft:
Most famous in the history of the art of flying is one of the most famous Tabelledie in the world and one of the most famous artistss geschiedenisals of suspects. On the night of August 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa at the Louvre stolen. Soon after, Pablo Picasso and was dismissed from the police, but quickly.
After about two years until the mystery has been solved by police in Paris. It seems that 30 to 21 inches ื schilderij was an employee of the museum with the name of Vincenzo Peruggia hidden under his coat. Peruggia, but not alone. The crimenChen was fully aware a scam, Eduardo de Valfierno, which was accompanied by a forger of art should make copies and sell them as if the original painting.
Although the art forger Yves Chaudron, was busy creating copies of famous masterpiece Mona Lisa still hidden in homes Peruggias. After two years in which Peruggia boiler non erversucht the most from their stolen good. Peruggia was finally adopted by the policíaei, trying to sell, while the color the arts in Florence, Italy. The Mona Lisa has been at the top of the air in 1913.
The greatest on the flight from the U..S.:
The biggest art theft in the United States took place at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. On the night of 18 March 1990, a group of thieves, the uniforms of the police to enter the museum and the paintings Treize estimated at 300 million U.S. dollars. The thieves were two and a printout of gemaALDE Remberandt, and the works of Vermeer, Manet, Degals, Govaert Flinck and French and a Chinese artifact.
There were no tables and the case remains open. According to the latest donnéesruchten, the FBI investigation into the possibility of the Boston Field, with the French art are involved in the crime.
El Grito:
Paintings by Edvard Munch, The Scream, is probably the search for color in the history of art thieves. It was robadoslen twice and has been recently renovatednte. Dijdens 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway, The Scream has been stolen from an Oslo gallery by two thieves who smashed a window and alarm Zet had a saying: Thanks for the security of the poor.
Three months later, the owner of the painting Regierungsberichteernement Norwegian approached with an offer: $ 1 million U.S. for rescue Edvard Munch The Scream. The government has to offer, but noruegocal police, in cooperation cPolice on the British Museum and the Getty in a transaction in which the paint where it belongs.
Ten years later, The Scream was stolen whonneur the Munch Museum. This time the robbers used a gun and has a different image of Munch with them. While the museum hopes to rescue the thieves, the rumors that the two tables were set on fire to hide evidence. Finally, the Norwegian police discovered the two tables, 31 August 2006, but the facts that recovered are not known.
First flight:
The first documented case of art ranging from the 1473 flight was two bars Lorsque Alalquitrán of the youngest of the court painter Hans Memling were stolen. During the three, was the ship of the Netherlands to Florence, the ship was attacked by pirates, in the Cathedral of Gdansk in Poland. Today, the party in the National Museum in Gdansk, where he recently moved to the Basilica of the Assumption.
The most famous of Theft:
Most famous in the history of the art of flying is one of the most famous Tabelledie in the world and one of the most famous artistss geschiedenisals of suspects. On the night of August 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa at the Louvre stolen. Soon after, Pablo Picasso and was dismissed from the police, but quickly.
After about two years until the mystery has been solved by police in Paris. It seems that 30 to 21 inches ื schilderij was an employee of the museum with the name of Vincenzo Peruggia hidden under his coat. Peruggia, but not alone. The crimenChen was fully aware a scam, Eduardo de Valfierno, which was accompanied by a forger of art should make copies and sell them as if the original painting.
Although the art forger Yves Chaudron, was busy creating copies of famous masterpiece Mona Lisa still hidden in homes Peruggias. After two years in which Peruggia boiler non erversucht the most from their stolen good. Peruggia was finally adopted by the policíaei, trying to sell, while the color the arts in Florence, Italy. The Mona Lisa has been at the top of the air in 1913.
The greatest on the flight from the U..S.:
The biggest art theft in the United States took place at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. On the night of 18 March 1990, a group of thieves, the uniforms of the police to enter the museum and the paintings Treize estimated at 300 million U.S. dollars. The thieves were two and a printout of gemaALDE Remberandt, and the works of Vermeer, Manet, Degals, Govaert Flinck and French and a Chinese artifact.
There were no tables and the case remains open. According to the latest donnéesruchten, the FBI investigation into the possibility of the Boston Field, with the French art are involved in the crime.
El Grito:
Paintings by Edvard Munch, The Scream, is probably the search for color in the history of art thieves. It was robadoslen twice and has been recently renovatednte. Dijdens 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway, The Scream has been stolen from an Oslo gallery by two thieves who smashed a window and alarm Zet had a saying: Thanks for the security of the poor.
Three months later, the owner of the painting Regierungsberichteernement Norwegian approached with an offer: $ 1 million U.S. for rescue Edvard Munch The Scream. The government has to offer, but noruegocal police, in cooperation cPolice on the British Museum and the Getty in a transaction in which the paint where it belongs.
Ten years later, The Scream was stolen whonneur the Munch Museum. This time the robbers used a gun and has a different image of Munch with them. While the museum hopes to rescue the thieves, the rumors that the two tables were set on fire to hide evidence. Finally, the Norwegian police discovered the two tables, 31 August 2006, but the facts that recovered are not known.
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