Omega-3 has a very positive impact on the human body: it protects the heart, brain, skin and immune system. The main problem is that the human body can not naturally produce the necessary omega-3 fatty acids, and you have to purchase them from various sources, mainly from food.
Fish oil and flaxseed oil are the richest natural sources of omega-3. There is ongoing debate as to which of these oils is recommended if you are looking for sources of fatty acids.The answer is not as easy as it may seem, and you need to know more information about these oils.
The first difference between fish oil and flax seed oil is the type of omega-3-each of them contains: Fish oil contains DHA and EPA fatty acids, while flax seed oil contains ALA. The human body can not be used ALA and it needs to convert it to DHA and EPA. Older people can not convert ALA into EPA and DHA very easy and you must be aware You when you search for Omega-3 sources.
Flax seed contains up to 6 times more omega-3 fatty acids than fish oil, but because of this drawback, many experts recommend a good quality fish oil over flax seed oil, how are you directly to the DHA and EPA fatty acids you need.
However, there are some disadvantages of consuming large quantities of fish or fish oil. Today, most of the fish for the purchase of the fish have used > Oil lives in polluted waters and it is relatively difficult to remove the toxins from the fish. Experts recommend the consumption of limited quantities of fish for this reason. There are some measures that should be aware of when buying fish oil. First, make sure you buy fish oil, which are made from fish living in waters were clear.
It is a method to eliminate the toxins and poisons from>fish. It is called molecular distillation. Be sure you buy only fish oil obtained through this method.
Remember, not all fish contain equal amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. Some of them are richer in DHA and EPA than others. Cold water fish (wild salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies and sardines) have the highest fatty acids concentration.
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