You asked what are the side effects of the EPA - DHA Omega-3 fish oil supplements? There are side effects of intake of these fatty acids, but these only a very small. One of the effects I would like to caution about is the fact that fish oil is a natural blood thinner.
This does not usually matter if you are taking aspirin or other prescription-type drugs taking to thin the blood. If you are, then I recommend youconsult your doctor before you completed a course of omega-3. Even then, I would not recommend more than 2,000 mg per day of oil.
Other minor effects are bloating, belching, flatulence and nausea. You can also supplemented by diarrhea among a high dose of omega-3. The means to resolve this is to reduce the amount of fish oil you are taking on. The diarrhea will be gone. I've found that most cases were caused by regurgitation, areby the ingestion of fish oil, which is not quite fresh.
I always recommend that you only buy an oil that has been purified by a process called molecular distillation, the impurities such as lead, mercury and PCBs, etc. The remaining oil is to buy the cleanest it removed.
A large proportion of people in the Western world are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids. Instead of worrying about the lack of side effects of the EPA - DHA Omega-3 --Additions, you'd be better off, some thought to how you create this situation.
Most of you are aware of the pollution in our oceans and the fish. However, there is a simple solution, just take a purified omega-3 fish oil supplement per day. This soft-gel capsules are easy to swallow, and they help to protect our heart and our brains.
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