วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

5 tips to drink beer in moderation

เขียนโดย ruengrit kumrintorn ที่ 23:24
The most popular form of alcoholic beverages, beer is everywhere. In some situations, it is easy to access in May and a problem for someone with no side effects or are responsible for this situation.

TDrink quantities. If you drink more than is in a social situation, alcohol carpet disease in May. The best way to addiction to drink at least know when pararn.

TDrink cerveza home. The best way to drink beer is to drink only at home. Thus the dangers of driving or a confrontation with others.

TDO not drive. If the beer is consumed, it is best not to drive. Can not only illegal but also dangerous. If all somewhere, or someone who is on foot.

TIF, far from their homes and have been drinking, the key to a friend, a driver or call someone for you to collect. If you are a vi-not at home, you can a friend, relative or even a taxi. Every time you drink, it is advisable not to try for a car. This may not only endanger their lives, but others.

TNever your drink unattended in a public place. This is especially true for restaurants, bars and / or alcohol is served. Leave your drink unattended in May can someone who is a glass in his substment. If you have to dance or to the bathroom, a glass of beer when he comes back. If you only mith a mix drink with you.

United States, a person must be 21 years of age to purchase and / or consumption of beer legally. To buy alcohol, and require photo ID. This may take the form of a license or another form of identification, a photo and birth date of the customer. A number of stores in the United States leÉtats the sale of beer for 12 hours in the afternoon.

If you know or suspect IEMA ª SA have a water problem, a Zentrum for the treatment, diagnosis and therapy to overcome the disease. Alcoholism is a disease that often requires medical professionals, so that appropriate treatment is essential for its recovery.

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